Pen Women – February-April 2022
Butchart Gardens (oil on board, 16" x 12") is included in the National League of American Pen Women (NLAPW), Central Ohio Branch's exhibition.
- Exhibition - February 22-April 9, 2022
- HOURS: Jan. 29 - April 8, 2022
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday - 12pm - 5pm
- Vern Riffe Center for Government & the Arts,
First Floor Lobby, across from the Riffe Gallery,
77 S. High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 - Website: https://oac.ohio.gov/Riffe-Gallery/Visit-the-Gallery
- Phone: 614-644-9624
Bryn du Art Show – March 2022
Egg Trio 1 (oil on board, 6"x8") is juried in the 18th Annual Bryn Du Art Show in Granville, Ohio.
This annual, juried exhibition features 88 works selected from 722 submissions (from Ohio and 11 other states).
- Exhibition - Friday, March 3 to Saturday, March 26, 2022
- There will be no opening reception because of Covid-19.
- Bryn Du Mansion
537 Jones Road, Granville, Ohio 43023 - Map
- Phone: 740-587-7053
- Website: https://www.bryndu.com/bryn-du-art-show
- Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays – 10am to 2pm
- Thursdays – 4pm to 8pm
- Saturdays – 10am to 5pm
- Sundays – 12pm to 4pm
- Mondays – Closed
Size Matters IX – Nov-Dec 2021
Stand by the River, Neighborhood Lights and Road to Glory study are juried in Size Matters IX: 100 Works Under 100 Square. The exhibition is a great way to find Holiday/Christmas gifts for art lovers, including yourself. It includes 96 pieces by 33 Ohio artists and several historic prints.
- Reception: Saturday, November 13, 2021
- Exhibition: November 13 - December 30, 2021
- Online: https://penningtonarts.com/size-matters-ix/
- In Person:
Pennington Custom Art Services
3047 Indianola Avenue, Columbus, OH 43202
Phone: (614) 263-8133
Email: penningtononpaper@gmail.com
Other Voices – Aug-Oct 2021
Light Beyond the Darkness is juried in the Other Voices exhibition in Columbus, Ohio. Its theme is work by artists who feel they are not represented in mainstream America. Exclusion is determined by gender, sexuality, body image, nationality, disability, religious affiliation, age, etc. which represent that identity of OTHER.
Light Beyond the Darkness depicts the enveloping darkness, pain and isolation of recurring, clinical depression. The starkly-contrasting light beyond represents several things: people on the outside who are well....desperation for the day when the agony might end...and the miraculous healing that the right medication can bring.
- Exhibition - August 20 - October 30, 2021
Online: https://penningtonarts.com/other-voices/
Pennington Custom Art Services
3047 Indianola Avenue, Columbus, OH 43202
Phone: (614) 263-8133
Email: penningtononpaper@gmail.com
WAAL Solo Exhibition – July-Sept 2021
You are invited to view my solo exhibition WAAL Winner's Show: Jane Flewellen that includes 29 of my paintings. Shown here is Parking Lights (oil on board, 12"x16"). Thanks to the Worthington Area Art League (WAAL) for this wonderful opportunity as the first place winner of the 2021 WAAL Winter Show.
Exhibition - Online July 15 - September 15, 2021
Language of Creativity- Sept-Oct 2021
Rogene, the Writer is my portrait of a character in Margaret Hanna's From Empty Envelopes short story about an aspiring writer who is homeless. Margaret & I are collaborating for the “Language of Creativity” group exhibition of the Central Ohio Branch of the National League of American Pen Women.
- Exhibition - September 21-October 29, 2021
- Dublin Arts Council
7125 Riverside Dr, Dublin, OH 43016 - Phone: 614-889-7444
- Website: dublinarts.org
- Map
HOURS: by appointment
- Tuesdays - Thursday– 10:00am to 3:30pm
- Second Saturday of each month 11:00am-2:00pm